Barry Kaplan, a leader of the sustainable and green living movement in NEPA, is co-owner of
Everything Natural in Clarks Summit and the winner of numerous environmental awards including the
Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce SAGE Award for Green Practices and the Countryside Conservancy Stewardship Award. He is a realtor with
Classic Properties, winning Best Realtor of the Abingtons 5 years in a row. Active in the community, Barry is the immediate past president of the Abington Business and Professional Association and serves on the boards of the
Abington Community Library and the Abington Heights Educational Improvement Organization. Barry is also a founding member of Pipers of the Woods, the now-defunct Renaissance woodwinds band and eagerly desires to – someday – learn to speak Spanish. Celebrating the recent engagement of his daughter Halea, he lives on Saddle Lake with his wife (and business partner), Donna, and feline fur child, Spidey.