Alice Vanston is a lifetime resident of Jessup. She was born at 140 Constitution Avenue and then had to move all the way to 924 Constitution Avenue to the home her husband built. A sound education at Jessup High School prepared her to continue her studies at Lackawanna College and become a highly successful real estate agent. She has been in the field for over 30 years, is an active participant in the Scranton Board of Realtors and served as President on the Board of Directors and received the Realtors Lifetime Achievement Award. Alice serves on the Board of Lourdesmont and has been an active member of the Jessup 21st Century Association since its incepton and is presently vice president. She and John have been married for 57 years and they have four children and grandchildren. In real estate it is location, location, location and there is only one place for her that is the BEST location – JESSUP!